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Cannes goes tango!

Tango lessons and milongas in Cannes

Tango lessons and events around Cannes

Despite its glamorous image, Cannes does not have the most vibrant tango scene in Europe. In fact, it’s quite hard to find milongas, lessons (cours de tango) and practicas. But luckily Cannes or Bust has done some of the searching for you, so you can easily find events and/or tango lessons if you are passing through town or living in Cannes.

There are more things than I can list here. But many of them are organised very informally on a word of mouth basis, and most of them are outside Cannes itself. So I recommend you go to one of the places listed here and start asking around. The Tango 06 website (below) seems to have the best info. If you know of any other tango links for the Cannes region, drop a line and I’ll check it out.

Ruben Serra6

Tango Provence – PACA

Gotan Project - Triptico par aScorpii

First tango festival in Cannes (2010)


If you’re in Cannes between April 30 and May 2 2010, polish your shoes and get ready to step out. This year, the town is celebrating the first “Rencontres Tango de Cannes”. Over three days, the town will thrill to the sound of several concerts (including our tip Gotan Project above, who played a very impressive show at Midem some years back), a workshop run by Fabricio d’Agostino and Elena Albekova and two films. All of this for very accessible prices.

The tango programme in Cannes

Friday 30 April
9h00 Café de Los Maestros (cinema) Espace Miramar
14h00 Une histoire de Tango (cinema) Espace Miramar
18h00 Café de Los Maestros (cinema) Espace Miramar
20h30 Gotan Project (electro-tango concert) Grand Auditorium du Palais des Festivals

Saturday May 1
20h30 Songes d’une nuit à Buenos Aires (spectacle) by the Compagnie Meditango, Théâtre la Licorne
from 22h : Milonga in the theatre lobby with musicians and DJ

Sunday May 2
14h00 Tango workshop with Fabricio d’Agostino and Elena Albekova, Théâtre la Licorne
16h30 Concert: Jérémy Vannereau and Éric Francéries with the Orchestre Régional de Cannes PACA, Auditorium des Arlucs
19h00 Une histoire de Tango (cinéma), Théâtre de la Licorne
20h00 Milonga with La Tipica de Marseille Kiosque des Allées de la Liberté – 18 young musicians conducted by Fernando Maguna and DJ Pascal Roche

Screenings: €4 – students €2

Gotan Project on Amazon UK

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