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Film and Television: Falling in Love again?

Cannes workshop

The good news is that following a fascinating conference last year called, “Show me the Money”, the European Audiovisual Observatory is taking a look at the symbiotic relationship between the European TV and movie businesses on May 15 at 3pm. Although this is from a  European perspective, the co-production environment means that all sides of the movie business are concerned.

More specifically, the conference will ask:

Expect presentations on:

These will be followed by a panel discussion on the possible evolution of the relationship between film and television; the AVMS Directive as a means of promoting  European film; investment obligations of the various partners and the evolution of exploitation windows.

Taking part on the panel moderated by Michael Gubbins, author and consultant :

–       Pascal Rogard, Director of the SACD (Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques, France)

–        Martin Moszkowicz, Chairman of the European Producers’ Club

–        Pascaline Gineste, Director for Regulatory and European Affairs, CANAL +

–         Ivan Hronec, CEO Film Europe s.r.o

–         Carolina Lorenzon, Director International Affairs, MEDIASET (tbc)

–          Emilia Sawicka, Marketing Manager Telewizja Polska S.A.

The event is slated for the Bunuel room, but it’s best to check on the day. 

For more TV and film data from Europe, visit the Observatory.



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