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Pitch your web series or viral video idea at Cannes

The lines between film, TV and online video are definitively blurred. So if you’re in the audiovisual field, why not cast your net in all three? MIPCube Content 360, part of MIPTV in Cannes, is running two competitions for the upcoming edition with deadlines this month.

Global Buzz from MSN

MSN International is commissioning original content via the Content 360 digital content creation contest. The target audience is gender neutral, 20-45, with a skew towards InfoSeekers (those who keep their finger on the pulse of the internet and are always aware of the buzz of the moment) and Connected Socializers (those who keep in constant connection with their friends and personal networks). The best three entries will receive €5,000 to produce a pilot, with the best one getting the commission.

New Transmedia Concepts

Producers are invited to submit proposals for new transmedia concepts that mix video storytelling (FICTION) with gaming, live events, mobile applications, integrated marketing, dual screen content – or get any additional techniques for enriching the story/story world and the user experience. The projects will be judged on a presentation given by the producer. The presentation MUST be given in the form of a “Quick Fire Concepts” presentation where the producer shows 20 relevant images and talks about each of them for approximately 20 seconds (total 6.40) to explain the concept, target audience, story, characters, platforms and budget.

I like this way of presenting, as it mirrors the viewing habits of the intended audience.  If you can’t grab the attention of professionals in a format like this, what chance do you have with viewers?

Test lab for creative talent

Although traditional production houses seem reluctant to embrace these sorts of productions, there is a very good case to be made for them. Vast amounts of content consumed these days is in short formats, notably on the web and increasingly via mobile. It’s a field which is within easy reach as production costs can be contained, at least at the outset.So it’s possible to keep a horse in the race without mortgaging the house.

These formats can also serve as a good test lab for new directing and format talents, giving new directors a shot at producing short, sharp and focused material with eye-appeal.

The deadline is February 24, with presentations at MIPTV in Cannes and the finalists announced on April 1. To get the full details, visit MIPcube.

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