Drumming up financing in Cannes
Remember that line, “What happens in Cannes stays in Cannes”? Twitter put a death to that one, and now writer/director James Toback and actor Alec Baldwin have driven another stake through the corpse’s heart. At this year’s Cannes festival, they wandered around the corridors and lounges looking for financing to make a film. The twist is that they brought a crew with the them to record the various sides of getting a film in production. The result is “Seduced and Abandoned”.
All-star cast
We’ve all seen people wandering along the Croisette interviewing their best friend with an iPhone – or occasionally wandering interviewing themselves. Toback and Baldwin bring it to a new level as they have meetings with Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola and Diana Kruger (to name a few). So it’s like an enormous selfie in many ways. The good people of Cannes might be interested to see where all these self-important people are running to during the Cannes Film Festival.
But there we go: talking about the stars again. What’s the movie about? That part is less clear. It’s best described as a kind of “Last Tango in Paris” set in Iraq. And it might be funny. Or not.
“Seduced and Abandoned” debuted on HBO in October 2013. Oh, and while we’re talking business, Hanway are handling the sales and festival screenings can be arranged through Leslie Vuchot at The Festival Agency.
Watch “Seduced and Abandoned” on Prime Video. And don’t forget to exit through the gift shop ;-).