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18th Pan-African Film Festival 2021 about to kick off

Pan-African Film festival, Cannes
Lancement du Festival du Film PanAfricain de Cannes du 19 au 24 Oct. 2021

This 18th edition of the Pan-African Film Festival in 2021 in Cannes promises to be another celebration of independent world cinema. As the name suggests, it views cinema from the unique perspective of the pan-African experience.

The Pan-African Film Festival first and foremost underlines human values. The organisers again promise to deliver “emotion and happiness. The craftsmen of images have in their workshops dressed up the real and amplified the fiction to be up to our expectations”.

The event as a whole is a showcase of world cinema that consists of films, music, a gala dinner and exhibitions. The best films are awarded a Dikalo trophy in 9 different sections. The movies come from across the globe, reflecting the realities of people living in the broader African diaspora.

Pan-African film and north-south development

Photo: Philippe Deloze

Held alongside the NSD (Nord-Sud Développement) convention: the festival will feature conferences, literary cafés, meetings and networking.

The event is open to all (with affordable tickets at €5) and complies with the sanitary measures in force in France.

Films are shown with French and/or English subtitles where appropriate. Each screening consists of a short movie followed by a feature.

Check the programme here.

Pan-African Film Festival 2021

Espace Miramar (65 bd de la Croisette) and the Hotel Martinez (73 bd de la Croisette) in Cannes.

From Tuesday 19 October 2021 to Sunday 24 October 2021.

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