If you attend Cannes for Midem, Mipim, MipTV or the Cannes Film festival, perhaps you should get the relevant news straight to your desk rather than coming across it by accident on the web. Cannes or Bust runs an occasional newsletter with just that: tips, news, special offers and links to people with bright ideas. If you follow us on Twitter, you know what we’re talking about.
So why get the news straight to your inbox as well ? Because Twitter is the instant media. Instantly there and gone just as fast. You miss things. You might want to get news about the apartments where you set the price (real offer). Or flash ticket sales from airlines. Or the apartment rental company that offered a free pass for every five people (real offer). Or last-minute hotel deals for Midem, MIPIM, MIPCOM or the festival. We don’t sell your address and you can opt-out at any time. The downside? There isn’t one! Sign up below.