Cannes: what to do when it gets hot?

In Cannes, heat is an issue. One of the attractions is the city’s balmy climate. But there are times when the heat can be too much. People die every year in France from the problems that come with heat waves. The effects of sunstroke are also an issue, and can completely ruin a holiday or visit.

The French authorities decided to activate a toll-free info service in French on 0800 06 66 66 from Monday 29 July 2024 and until the end of the heatwave. It’s called “Canicule”, heat wave in French. It can be reached from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (free call from a landline and mobile in France).

This telephone platform provides advice on how to protect yourself and those around you, especially the most vulnerable (younger and older people), and how to adopt the right reflexes in the event of high temperatures:

  • Stay cool or spend several hours a day in a cool place;
  • Drink water without waiting until you are thirsty;
  • Moisten and ventilate your body several times a day;
  • Close shutters and windows during the hottest hours and when it is hotter outside than inside;Eat fresh and balanced food;
  • Wear hats to keep the sun off your face and shoulders;
  • Avoid alcohol (and yes, that includes chilled rosé wine).

And don’t forget to check on the most vulnerable. Children and older people are particularly susceptible to heat, and should avoid staying in the sun during the hottest times of the day. If you have elderly people in your circle, ensure that they remain sufficiently hydrated – even when they say they don’t need it.

If you need care that is not a life-threatening emergency, call a doctor as a priority. If it is not available, use an alternative nearby, for example by consulting the map of medical centres on and click through to the Cannes region. At the time of writing, seven are listed. If in doubt or if no offer is available, then call 15.

Remember that there are open-air screenings in Cannes on summer evenings to enjoy some fresh air.

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