I’m trying not to laugh, because this is serious (snigger). Following on the previous post about bad behaviour in Cannes comes this heartfelt cry: “Imagine yourself waking up the morning after you buried your employer’s Cannes Lion on some beach in Cannes. Sounds like a lot of fun until you realize you don’t remember where it was.”
Let me see… No, I can’t imagine myself doing anything as stupid as that. But it seems that’s what Tom Eriksen of Farfar in Sweden did. He got tired of carrying his Gold award around at the parties and buried the thing in the sand. But he never found it again. You can even check the video of him digging right here. [EDIT: the link has been removed – boo!]
Tom’s a sport though. He’s offering $1000 to anyone that finds the thing. No questions asked. It’s embarrassing enough as it is.
UPDATE: Tom Eriksen later went on to better things.
How much is a Cannes Lions award worth?
The real question to be asked is: how much is a Cannes Lions award worth? €1,000? €10,000? €500. The award clearly has a prestige value. Otherwise recipient agencies wouldn’t display them so prominently at the reception.
But seriously, how much are they worth? The creative agency Boondoggle picked up five in one year (2008). As they had a few to spare, they later brought them to gold dealers in Antwerp to see if they could get a good price for them.
Very quickly, the hit upon a problem.
The following year, they entered this cheeky video for another award. No dice this time.