Cannes fireworks, courtesy of Tweetphoto @TheMaterialMan
It’s not exactly news that Cannes has a superb tradition of spectacular fireworks. The summer-long fireworks festival has a mid-winter extension, as the winner of the festival is invited to provide the annual firework show on New Year’s Eve. In 2010, this means that Fabrice Chouillier will be treating the thousands of
Cannois and guests on December 31 at midnight. The theme is “Cannes Dance Fire”. The show takes place in the bay, with the Croisette, its hotels and beach offering the best views (and sometimes parties, such as the salsa night at the Palais Stéphanie). An alternative is to rent a boat and watch from the bay itself.
The firework show is always very popular, so you can expect congestion and traffic jams before and after. best to leave the car on the far side of the voie rapide or come by train (just don’t miss the last one home!).
There are still good value deals available for Cannes hotels for the New Year. See our selection here.
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