MidemNet offers digital smorgasbord

Originally posted Nov 24 2005. Like all the entertainment trade fairs, Midem gives a large slice of its attention to mobile and digital opportunities. It’s true that since ringtones and i-Tunes became so popular, digital and mobile have piqued the curiosity of a new range of operators. Many of these new entrepreneurs have been a bit put off by the sheer complexity of the intellectual property and territorial rights issues in music. But music has never been so popular, and so those that are willing to take the time and understand the mechanics of the music biz have much to gain.

Keynote speakers at MidemNet this year are Eric Nicoli, chairman of the EMI Group, Ken Lombard, President of Starbucks Entertainment (non-US readers should check their music programme), Patricia Langrand EVP Content Division France Telecom, Anssi Vanjoki EVP and General Manager of Mulitmedia Nokia, Takeshi Natsuno SVP of NTT DoComo (again, this company is worth checking) and Alex Zubillaga EVP Digital Strategy & Business Development Warner Music Group.

Is that heavyweight or what? There was a time when tradefair conferences were a platform for the sponsor to give a fluffy speech. The level of discussion at MidemNet is pretty high. Subjects include changing revenue models, the increasing place of video, digital promotion, legal P2P, fixed/mobile convergence, new services vs. ringtones and more.

As a reminder, MidemNet is not included in the Midem entrance fee, so you’ll have to cough up some extra cash. Dates: January 21 & 22.

UPDATE: MidemNet has since this time been completely re-developed and incorporated into Midem. Some would argue that Midem is now MidemNet.

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