Taking taxis in Cannes
I used to be quite intimidated by taking taxis around Cannes, which is not normal. Most people arriving at any strange airport always have a sneaking feeling they are going to be ripped off. How true is this at Nice airport? I’ve no figures. What I do have is a few words of advice:
* Start with “Bonjour monsieur (or madame)“. Most taximen now understand English reasonably well, yet many are still uncomfortable speaking it. This little courtesy is always appreciated.
* Have the name and address of your hotel printed out or visible on your phone, with a telephone number as well. Taximen know just about every hotel. But they might not be able to understand your accent.
* Never talk over the taximan’s head. I’ve heard tales of people getting an earful after complaining to each other in English about the driver, figuring he wouldn’t understand!
* How much does it cost to get to Cannes? For two people with two cases and briefcases, you’ll normally pay about €100 for an airport taxi. But what we call Cannes could in fact be anywhere between the towns of Juan-les-Pins and Mandelieu. If you’re staying in a hotel, ask beforehand if they have a special flat rate for the ride or if they operate a shuttle. It’s often good value.
* Always check that the counter is at zero when you hail a cab at Nice airport or in the street.
* There are supplements at night, usual €5.
* If you feel you’ve been ripped off, get a receipt, note the taxi’s registration number and contact the customer helpdesk of the event you’re attending.
Taxis and shopping
Last thing to remember: Saturday is shopping day in downtown Cannes, so everything is that much slower. If you’re not in too much of a hurry and don’t have too many suitcases, the airport shuttle bus is a good value option (more info about bus and trains to Cannes).
I’ve been asked about using Uber as a taxi in Cannes. I’ve never seen the benefit, personally, as the times I would use them have been qualified as “surge” periods. If you are a regular user, you know how to deal with that issue. If you have any tips of your own, feel free to add them!
That e-mail address does not seem to work. Anyone know anything about this taxi company?
This is some really good information. It is good to know that you should look for an authorized company. It does seem like that would make it more likely that you have a good experience.
In general terms, when you travel for business it’s worth choosing the most reliable services. They tend to be on time and comfortable. Yuo don’t want to turn up for meetings either stressed and/or late.
Thanks For sharing this great article.