Latin American dealmakers to meet at MIPCOM

The news from MIPCOM 2012 is that this year it will host the very first Latin American deal-makers’ lunch. Some 80 professionals from the region will come together to discuss the explosive growth in TV entertainment, and the huge investments taking place there.

Keynote from Adriana Cisneros

The keynote will be given by Adriana Cisneros, Vice Chairman and Director of Strategy of the Cisneros Group of Companies, one of the largest privately held media, entertainment, telecommunications and consumer products organizations in the world. Their  TV programming and other media content is sold on five continents and in over 90 countries worldwide. Its media and entertainment holdings include Venevisión, the leading television network in Venezuela; Venevision International, a global Spanish-language entertainment company; and Venevision Productions, a supplier of top-tier telenovelas for North American and world audiences.

The Latin-American decade?

Cisneros will talk about the coming decade in Latin America, which promises to be one of the most exciting for TV and content businesses given the creative renaissance and economic growth in the Latin American region. Yet Cisneros is not only approaching new territories, as Director of Strategy she is also active in developing new business models and opportunities in the emerging media landscape.

The Latin American Deal-makers Lunch is by invitation only, unfortunately. But anyone looking to do business with the Cisneros Group will find them in the MIPCOM database or via their website.

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